Monday, February 4, 2013

Video: Fr. Perrone on Sexagesima Sunday: Think you are special?

With Fr. Perrone's permission I offer this low-quality iPhone video of the second part of his homily today during Sexagesima Sunday.  The audio is not too bad.  I missed the first few sentences of this part. He is talking about St. Paul here. It gets interesting later when he talks about the various ways we can think we are special.  Is that a good thing in the spiritual life? Hear what he has to say to find out.

EDIT: I just posted the Grotto News in my lastest post using Scribd.  In it, you can read Fr. Perrone's column this week. He discusses the problem of pornography

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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